How to register for a start-up, personal, or student license for Fusion

Autodesk Support

Jun 6, 2024

Products and versions covered

To register for a start-up, personal, or student license for Fusion, confirm that your device meets the System Requirements for Fusion. See the following for more information:

Note: If you already registered for a personal/start-up license or an education license, download and reinstall Fusion from your Autodesk Account.

Register for a free personal license

The free, personal-use license gives you access to Fusion for three years. A personal license is for individuals with non-commercial personal design projects, and home-based, non-commercial manufacturing and fabrication.

To register for a personal license:

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Register for a start-up license

A start-up license is a $150 paid program for a 3-year single term access to Fusion per individual. This subscription is for businesses with ten or fewer employees, that generates less than $100,000 per year in revenue. 

To register for a start-up license:

  1. Visit the Fusion for Start-Ups website.
  2. On the website, click Apply Now.
  3. Fill out all the required fields in the form and select Apply. The application will be processed within ten business days.
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Register for free educational access

Autodesk offers eligible students, educators, and qualifying educational institutions free access to Fusion and many other Autodesk products. Learn more about our education plan and find out if you qualify.

Important license information

  • There are two types of education licenses: Individual licenses and licenses for administrators in educational institutions.

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Register a Fusion trial

Visit the Fusion Free Trial website and select Free Trial for Commercial Use, to start your trial.

If you have already registered a free trial of Fusion, do the following to install Fusion at any time:

  1. Sign in to your Autodesk Account, or create an Autodesk Account.
  2. Under Products & Services, select Get Access next to Fusion and run the Fusion installer.
  3. When you start Fusion, sign in using your Autodesk Account email and password. Fusion automatically detects your license type when you sign in.

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Renew a Fusion license

  • Renew a Fusion subscription
    For information about renewal options, see Renew a subscription.
  • Renew a Fusion personal license
    The personal license is valid for a 3-year term. See How to renew a personal license or access the Startup program for Fusion.
  • Renew a Fusion student/education license
    If you’re an eligible user, you can request a one-year renewal on the Education Community. Learn more on the Autodesk support and problem solving.
  • How to access the new Startup program
    After Nov. 14, 2023, if you are an existing subscriber who’s current access is expiring, you will need to reapply to the new paid program. The paid program will cost $150 for 3-years of access to Fusion per individual. It is not renewable. After completing your 3 years in the Startup program, you will need to either purchase a standard commercial subscription or use Autodesk Flex tokens to maintain access Autodesk Fusion. 

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Reinstall Fusion

If you previously registered a license and have to reinstall Fusion, go to Autodesk Account and click the Fusion download link in the Products and Services section. You don’t need to register a new account or re-register an existing account to reinstall.

Use Fusion as an administrator for an educational institution

  1. If you don't have an education account, see Getting started as a student or educator for details. If you do have an education account, sign in to the Autodesk education community.
  2. Review the installation instructions.
  3. Install Fusion from Fusion for Educational Institutions.

For more installation information, see Fusion lab installation instructions.

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Change an education license to a commercial, personal, or startup license

If you associated an email address or username in your Autodesk Account with an active education license, you can't reuse those credentials for another Fusion license. To use a different license on that account, the education license must be removed from your account. To remove an education license from your account, contact support .

If you're creating an Autodesk Account with a different email address, you need to transfer your data to the new account. See How to transfer Fusion projects from one account to another for more information. If you are changing your license type but keeping the same email address, your data stays linked to your account.

To make sure that you qualify for a start-up or education license, see the eligibility requirements, in the Start-up and educational terms of service for cloud products.

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Fusion; PowerShape;

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