How to check if an installation of Revit Server is working properly?

Autodesk Support

Jan 3, 2025

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How to check if an installation of Revit Server is working correctly?

Note: Use this when unexpected behavior, lack of access, or poor performance occurs while using Revit Server.


There are several checks that can be done to verify that the Revit Server is functioning properly or to identify the cause of problems:

IIS Services

Verify that the following services are displayed within the IIS Manager (Start -> Run inetmgr):

  • AdminService####(This makes up one of the three Revit Server Administrator services listed).
  • LocalService####(This is responsible for Accelerator functionality).
  • ModelService####(This is responsible for Host functionality).
  • RevitServerAdmin####(This makes up one of the three Revit Server Administrator services listed).
  • RevitServerAdminRESTService#### (This makes up one of the three Revit Server Administrator services listed).

Default Web Site

Verify that there is a Default Web Site (Some IIS configurations will modify/replace/remove the Default Web Site, but this should exist for Revit Server to function.

Note: It is recommended that Revit Server is loaded onto a dedicated server (physical or VM). This will avoid IIS setting conflicts with other services, and prevent resource conflicts between the different services.

RevitServerAppPool Started

Verify that the RevitServerAppPool#### is started (and that the Managed Pipeline Mode is Integrated).

Browse SVC

Verify that you can browse the SVC files in the Content View. For a list of previously identified errors and solutions, see the article Revit Server Errors encountered when browsing SVC files.

  1. If the SVC files do not browse properly:
  2. Check if you can browse the Default Web Site.
  3. If this fails, it would indicate that IIS is not working and would need to be fixed before Revit Server could work.


Check the following items, verifying that the RSN.ini file:

  1. Exists. See About the RSN.ini File .
  2. It is in the correct location: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit Server ####\Config.
  3. It is on all workstations, all host servers, and all accelerators.
  4. Does not have a TXT extension, and only contains information about host servers.

Storage Space

Verify sufficient hard disk space for the Project Data (Hosts) and Cache (Accelerators). The amount required will vary depending on the size of the project files, but if the server runs out of hard disk space, you can see various failures when interacting with the server.

Host Role

To verify that the Host role is working (make sure the Host role is enabled):

  1. Open Revit.
  2. Open a new model and enable worksharing or open an existing workshared model.
  3. Save the model to the Revit Server.
  4. After successfully saving, make a change and synchronize.
  5. After successfully synchronizing, closing, and verifying, a local file can be created from the newly saved central model.

Admin Role

To verify that the Admin role is working (make sure that the Admin role is enabled):

  1. Start a browser on the host server.
  2. Navigate to the Revit server administrator URL
  3. Please load Silverlight if you need it. (Required for Revit Server 2019 and older).
  4. Verify that the Revit Server Administrator page opens and you can access the host server (see projects saved and create/delete models/folders).

Accelerator Role

To verify that the Accelerator role is caching data (Make sure that the Accelerator role is enabled):

  1. Open the Cache folder (Default=C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit Server ####\Cache) and note that there are no folders.
  2. Start Revit and access a model while connected to the accelerator .
  3. Verify that a folder is created in the Cache folder.
Note: The Accelerator will only start caching data after the first time a user accesses a model through the accelerator (after successfully connecting to the accelerator and opening a model from the host server).



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