How to check if the Inventor Project (.ipj) file used by Vault is correctly configured

Autodesk Support

Feb 4, 2025

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  • You are looking for guidance to check if the Inventor project file is configured correctly.
  • Files are not able to be checked In or Out from Vault.


  1. First, check which Inventor project file, is being used by Vault.
  1. Using the Vault Client, check the .ipj out of the Vault to the local Working Folder.
IPJ Check Out-Right click
  1. Verify that the project file is configured using this best practice.
  1. Open the IPJ in Inventor and check the following.
    1. Check that the Project file is not read-only.
Project Read Only
  1. If it's read-only, navigate to the Location, defined in the image, right-click the .ipj, select Properties and untick the "Read-only" box.
Vault IPJ Properties
  1. Hover the mouse over every line and verify that all the paths exist.
IPJ Project parameters
  1. For the Templates, Design Data, Presets, and Content Center Files, verify that data exists in those locations.
  2. Verify that none of the Libraries or Data paths defined are located underneath another path, such as the Workspace.
  3. Verify that the Windows User account has at least Read Security permissions over these locations.
  4. Click the Configure Content Center Libraries button.
Inventor Projects window
  1. If using Vaults Remote Content Center Libraries, verify they are attached to the Server. If they are not, they will be listed as red like this.
Configure librairies
  1. Alternatively, untick them, and click OK to remove them from the list.
  2. If using the Inventor Desktop Content Access Option, verify that the location exists, and has the .Idcl files.
Configure librairies
  1. Again, if there are any listed in red, restore the files to the "Location if Libraries:" Or untick them and click OK to remove them from the project file.
  2. Check the access mapping between Inventor and Vault.
Project Mapping


Inventor; Inventor Factory; Inventor Professional; Inventor Series; Vault Basic; Vault Professional; Vault Workgroup;

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