How to collect Autodesk Licensing log files for troubleshooting

Autodesk Support

Nov 4, 2024

Products and versions covered


You are experiencing a licensing issue and/or error while using or launching an Autodesk application. In such cases, Autodesk Support Team may request you send Licensing-related log files for analysis. This article will show how to collect these log files.


Follow these steps, depending on the version of Autodesk application used:

Versions 2020 and newer


  1. Open an elevated Command Prompt (press WIN+R > type cmd > press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER).
  2. Run the below commands one by one:
    • mkdir %userprofile%\Desktop\adsklogs
    • setx /m ADLSDK_LOG_LEVEL T
    • setx /m ADLSDK_LOG_DIR %userprofile%\Desktop\adsklogs
  3. Download AdskLicensingSupportTool: Licensing Support Tool (
  4. Open Windows Explorer.
  5. Navigate to the folder that the tool has been extracted to.
  6. Open the folder AdskLicensingSupportToolUI.
  7. Double click on AdskLicensingSupportToolUI.exe.
  8. Depending on your windows settings, a User Account Control dialog may pop up asking to allow the app to make changes to your device.
  1. Click Yes.
  2. Select the Logging tab and follow the steps to generate and collect the logs.
  3. Collect the ZIP file
  4. Send the logs to Autodesk Support Team for analysis.


  1. Download AdskLicensingSupportTool: Licensing Support Tool (
  2. Extract the file and go to the AdskLicensingSupportTool- folder.
  3. Double-click on
Note: you will see the message containing the command you need to run from a terminal window similar to the one below.

  1. Open Terminal (click on Go > Utilities > Terminal).
  2. Copy and paste the command from the message displayed in step 3 and provide the password when asked.
  3. Press ENTER to execute the script.
  4. Select the Logging tab and follow the steps to generate and collect the logs.
  5. Collect the ZIP file
  6. Send the logs to Autodesk Support Team for analysis.


  1. Download AdskLicensingSupportTool: Licensing Support Tool (
  2. Run in Terminal:
    • export ADLSDK_LOG_LEVEL=T
    • export ADLSDK_LOG_DIR=/tmp/sdklog (ensure this path has writeable permissions)
  3. Continue using the Terminal from step 2 to inherit Licensing SDK System Variables you have set.
  4. Switch to the directory where you extracted the Licensing Support Tool
  5. Enter this command to enable Verbose Mode: ./AdskLicensingSupportTool -svl
  6. Important: Launch the Autodesk software and wait until the issue/error occurs.
  7. Return to the Command Prompt/Terminal and run the following command to generate and collect the licensing verbose logs:
    • ./AdskLicensingSupportTool -l
  8. Navigate to the directory where the Autodesk Licensing Support Tool is located.
  9. Collect the file Provide this file to the Autodesk Support Team to analyze the issue.
  10. Optional Step: To reduce unnecessary disk space usage, disable Verbose Mode with this command:
    • ./AdskLicensingSupportTool -sdl

Versions 2017 to 2019

  1. Launch Command Prompt (press WIN+R > type cmd > press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER).
  2. Type the following command followed by ENTER:
echo { "loggingThreshold": 0 } > %localappdata%\Autodesk\CLM\clmSupport.config
  1. Click Start > type %TEMP% > hit ENTER.
  2. Press CTRL+A to select all the files in the folder.
  3. Press DELETE to delete them. Ignore any files in use.
  4. Launch the Autodesk application and perform the steps that lead to the issue/error.
  5. Click Start > type %TEMP% > hit ENTER.
  6. Find and collect the file with name similar to clm-xx-xx-xxxx.log.
  7. Find and collect the file WebServices.log from C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Web Services\Log.
  8. Send the files to Autodesk Support Team for troubleshooting.


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