How to configure the Vault 2018.2 (or later) Job Processor to use standard Inventor

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

Products and versions covered


When Vault 2018.2 was released, a major change was that it came with Inventor Apprentice Server. This meant that the Job Processor no longer required the full, licensed version of Inventor to process jobs such as DWF Create, Property updates and PDF creation. However, you are looking for instructions on how to revert back to using the standard, licensed version of Inventor.


  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to this folder:
Before Vault 2021 <install dir>\Vault Professional\Workgroup 201x\Explorer folder.
After Vault 2021 <install dir>\Vault Client 2021\Explorer folder.
  1. Make a backup copy of the following files: Connectivity.VaultPro.config, JobProcessor.exe.config, Autoloader.exe.config
  2. Edit the config files, using Notepad++, and add the following key in the <appSettings> section:
<add key="UseInventorApplication" value="1"/>
  1. Connectivity.VaultPro.exe.config

    • User-added image
  2. JobProcessor.exe.config

    • User-added image
  3. Autoloader.exe.config

    • User-added image
  4. Save the files and restart the applications


Vault Basic; Vault Professional; Vault Workgroup;


2019; 2020; 2018; 2021;

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