How to save an AutoCAD drawing to a previous or older file format

Autodesk Support

Jul 16, 2024

Products and versions covered


How to save a drawing in AutoCAD to an older file format for compatibility with prior versions of AutoCAD, and allow older releases of AutoCAD to open the file instead of receiving the following message:

Open Drawing - Incompatible Version

The drawing file could not be opened because it was created with a more recent version of AutoCAD.

Open Drawing - Incompatible Version error message.


If the file can be opened

The Save As dialog window in AutoCAD allows selecting different drawing versions:
  1. Click the Save As button on the Quick Access Toolbar in AutoCAD or type SAVEAS on the command line.
    • Tip: Change the name of the file to prevent overwriting the original.
  2. Choose the appropriate file format version from the Files of Type drop-down menu.
  3. Save the file.
Note: The default file format can be designated in the program under the Open and Save tab in Options, making AutoCAD always save to that format.

If the file cannot be opened

If a file has been received in a newer format that cannot be opened by the version of AutoCAD currently installed (hence receiving the above "incompatible version message"), download and install the latest version of DWG TrueView (a free Autodesk file viewing software) and use the DWG Convert feature to convert the drawing.
  1. Create a copy of the drawing file to be converted.
  2. Launch DWG TrueView.
  3. Click the application menu in the upper-left and choose DWG Convert (or pick it on the ribbon if a file is open).
DWG Convert feature in the DWG True view
  1. Add the file(s) in the Files Tree list (click the green plus Add Files button).
  2. Choose the appropriate file format version.
  3. Click Convert.
Note: AutoCAD itself has the DWGCONVERT command for batch-converting files to older formats.


AutoCAD Products; DWG TrueView;

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