How to create online deployment for Autodesk software

Autodesk Support

Nov 27, 2024

Products and versions covered


How to create a network deployment from the Autodesk accounts portal.


As of the 2022 Autodesk product releases, nearly all products for Windows allow you to create deployments from Autodesk Account, where you select the components you want.

From earlier versions of Autodesk product releases, only following Autodesk software supports online deployment creation workflow:
  • Autodesk Maya 2020
  • Autodesk Maya LT 2020
  • Autodesk 3ds Max 2021
  • Autodesk VRED 2021
  • Revit 2021 r1
  1. Sign in to Autodesk Account portal.
  2. Click the Custom Install link under the Product and Services section in the left navigation panel.
  3. Select the license type.
  4. Add your Autodesk software.
Note: If you are creating a deployment with the license type: Network or Serial Number, verify that the product key is displayed. Otherwise, select Customize product registration checkbox and input the product key.  Look Up Product Keys.
  1. Select desired product customization settings or add extensions if they are available for the software.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Under Install settings select Deploy to create network deployment which you can install on multiple systems.  While selecting Install will create a custom install package that can be installed on the local system.
  4. Specify Deployment name.  The description is optional.
  5. Specify Deployment image path.
  6. Specify Deployment log file path.
  7. Specify Installation Path.
  8. Specify license server information if the network license type was selected in step 3.
  9. Select the I agree to the Terms of Use checkbox.
  10. Click Create.
    • Download your Autodesk software network deployment bootstrap file.
  11. Save the file on the system that has access to the deployment image path specified in step 9.
  12. Double-click on the downloaded exe file. 
    • This downloads and creates the network deployment image in the specified path.
  13. To install your Autodesk software from the network deployment, double-click on the Install_yourDeploymentName.bat file in the deployment image root folder.


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