How to define Coolant codes in Post Processors for Fusion 360 and HSM CAM

Autodesk Support

Dec 11, 2023

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How to define custom coolant codes in Post Processors for Fusion 360 and HSM CAM.


Mist Coolant and Through tool coolant is not enabled by default in some generic Post Processors from the Autodesk Post Library.


To add the additional functions, make the following changes

This example will use the generic Haas Pre-NGC post.
This example turns on Mist Coolant with an M51 and turns it off with an M61
And turns Through tool coolant on with M75 and off with M76.
  1. Open the post using a text editor, such as Notepad.
  2. Search for the section of code as shown as following:
var coolants = {
  flood: {on: 8},

  mist: {},
  throughTool: {on: 88, off: 89}, 
  1. Edit the appropriate lines as follows:
var coolants = {
  flood: {on: 8},
  mist: {on: 51, off: 61},
  throughTool: {on: 75, off: 76},

Note: Include a space between the colons and the code numbers. These variables are assumed to be M-Codes. If there are two "On" codes required, enclose them within [ ] as shown in the following example: {id: COOLANT_THROUGH_TOOL, on: [8, 88], off: [9, 89]}
  1. Save the CPS file and install it to Fusion 360 as either a cloud or personal post, or to Inventor HSM or HSMWorks.
  2. Be sure to enable the correct coolant type in the CAM operations on the tool tab.
User-added image

Note: Not all post processors handle coolant codes the same way. Sometimes, adding mist coolant will require more advanced post edits that should be addressed on the HSM Post Processor Forum.


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