How to enable or disable hardware acceleration in AutoCAD

Autodesk Support

Aug 3, 2024

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How to turn video hardware acceleration on or off in AutoCAD to improve graphics performance.


Turning on hardware acceleration improves graphics performance and productivity. This helps overall performance, not just with 3D work.

If unexpected problems are appearing with specific video cards and drivers, toggle hardware acceleration on and off.


There are several ways to toggle hardware acceleration in AutoCAD-based products. Try one of the following methods:
  • Enter the GRAPHICSCONFIG command and click the Hardware Configuration button.
  • Enter the 3DCONFIG command and click the Hardware Configuration button.
  • Enter the OPTIONS command or choose it from the Application menu to open the Options dialog box. On the System tab, click the Graphics Performance button. Then click the Hardware Acceleration button to turn it off or on.
  • Click the GRAPHICSCONFIG performance button in the lower-right corner of the AutoCAD application window.
    Hardware Acceleration option in bottom ribbon
There may be a delay the first time using GRAPHICSCONFIG or 3DCONFIG or when clicking the performance button.

Note: The interface options may differ, depending on product and product version. AutoCAD LT 2011 and earlier do not support hardware acceleration and do not have 3DCONFIG.


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