How to find recovery files in Autodesk Fusion

Autodesk Support

Dec 7, 2024

Products and versions covered


Users reported that they need to recover a backup of their design file from Fusion due to the following reasons:
  • After a crash or a problem, there is no recovery or backup file saved in Fusion.
  • How to restore files after a software failure?


To find a recovery file try the following solutions:

Use the Recover Documents command to review the file-recovered designs

  1. Select the File icon in Fusion. 
  2. Select Recover Documents.
          File drop down menu showing Recover Documents command

Manually browse the CrashRecovery folders

  1. Go to the following directories:
    • Windows: %appdata%\Autodesk\Autodesk Fusion 360\<GUID>\CrashRecovery 
    • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Autodesk Fusion 360/<GUID>/CrashRecovery
    • Note:
      • These directories are hidden files and folders. For instructions on enabling hidden files and folders, see these articles for Windows and macOS
      • <GUID> is a sequence of letters and numbers, for example, 3R5KJMFZSFGH.
  2. The CrashRecovery folder should contain backup files, copy, and paste these files into another local directory of your choice.
  3. Rename the extension of the copied files from backup to .f3d
Note: Backups will happen every 5 minutes by default (although this interval can be changed in the Fusion preferences). While actively editing the document, the save may get postponed until the current operation is completed. For example, an autosave will not commence when there is an Extrude command dialog box open.



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