How to get an Arnold .log file in Maya

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

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Arnold can generate a log reporting all the steps needed to render an image, as well as any warnings and errors encountered by the renderer. This log also provides detailed statistics that are useful for debugging, optimizing and benchmarking renders.


To obtain a full render log of your setup, follow these steps:
  1. Select Render > Render Settings User-added image
  2. From the Render Using drop-down menu, select Arnold Renderer
  3. Click the Diagnostics tab to set the .log file settings
User-added image
  1. Set the Verbosity level. This setting specifies the amount of information in the log messages, with Warnings being least amount of detail and Debug most:
  • Errors (default): Show errors only
  • Warning + Info: Show warnings, statistics and any info that does not slow down rendering.
  • Debug: Shows all information. Take care when using this mode as render times may increase.
  1. Click the File check box to enable file logging (by default, the log file will be saved in the last folder you browsed to).
  2. If you want to specify where the file will be saved, click the folder icon beside the Filename box, and select a location for the Arnold log file.
  3. Start the batch render: Render > Batch Render
NOTE: One Arnold log file will be saved for every frame in the batch render.

For batch rendering, Arnold log messages go into mayaRenderLog:

  • [Windows] %USERPROFILE%\Documents\maya\mayaRenderLog.txt
  • [OSX] ~/Library/Logs/Maya/mayaRender.log
  • [Linux] ~/maya/mayaRenderLog.txt


Maya; Maya Entertainment Creation Suite; Maya LT;


2017; 2015; 2016; 2018;

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