How to identify an installation failure point in the Setup.log file

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

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You want to identify the point at which software installation failed. During installation, success or failure of each Autodesk software component is recorded in the Setup.log file.


Search for component failures in the Setup.Log file

Locate the Setup.log file

Look for <Autodesk software name>Setup.log fie in the TEMP folder of the user account from which the installation was initiated. Follow these steps:
  1. Press Windows key+R to display the Run box.
  2. Enter %TEMP% and click OK.
  3. From the View menu, select Details.
  4. Click Date Modified to sort files, so that the most recently modified files appear at the top.
  5. Look for Setup.log with the following naming format:
[Product Name] Setup.log
For example, for an installation of Revit 2017, the full file name is:
Autodesk Revit 2017 Setup.log
Note: For a deployment, the naming format is:
[Your Deployment Name] Setup.log

Identify the point of failure

To search for the root of the installation failure, open Setup.log in a text editor such as Notepad and search for Fail. (This search string returns results for both Failed and Failure.) Typically, the failure appears on the line before the first rollback.

Note: The rollback line may also show that a component existed before the installation.

For more information about locating the point of failure, see this post from the Autodesk User Discussion Group Forum.

These snippets from typical Setup.log files are provided to help you identify failures in your own log file. Explanatory text is highlighted in blue. Log failures are highlighted in red.
Autodesk Revit 2017 Setup.log 
(Product installation failed)
2017/2/22:07:38:18 petra DELPRE7510-1896 Installing Autodesk® Revit® 2017:  TRANSFORMS=":en-us.mst;:all.mst;C:\Users\petra\AppData\Local\Temp\_AIB79A.tmp\x64\RVT\RVT-standalone.mst" ADSK_EULA_STATUS=#1 ADSK_SOURCE_ROOT="C:\BDS-autodesk\Autodesk_Revit_2017_English_Win_64bit_dlm\" INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Autodesk\" FILESINUSETEXT="" REBOOT=ReallySuppress ADSK_SETUP_EXE=1 
2017/2/22:07:39:49 petra DELPRE7510-1896  Install Autodesk® Revit® 2017 Failed    Installation aborted, Result=1601 
2017/2/22:07:40:18 petra DELPRE7510-1896 Rollback Autodesk Licensing Manager       Succeeded           
2017/2/22:07:40:45 petra DELPRE7510-1896 Rollback Autodesk® Revit® Content Libraries 2017 Succeeded               
2017/2/22:07:40:46 petra DELPRE7510-1896 Rollback FaroSDK Succeeded           
2017/2/22:07:40:46 petra DELPRE7510-1896 Rollback Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable ATL Security Update (x64)      Failed    Installation aborted, Result=1619 
2017/2/22:07:40:46 petra DELPRE7510-1896 Rollback Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable ATL Security Update (x86)      Failed    Installation aborted, Result=1619 
2017/2/22:07:40:46 petra DELPRE7510-1896 Rollback Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64) Failed               Failure is ignored, Result=1619 
Autodesk Building Design Standard 2016 Setup.log 
(Language pack installation failed)
2015/12/7:16:36:43 Owner OWNER-PC Install AutoCAD Architecture 2016 Core Succeeded           
2015/12/7:16:36:43 Owner OWNER-PC Installing AutoCAD Architecture 2016 Language Core - English:   ADSK_EULA_STATUS=#1 MUILANG=en-us SETUP_PACKAGENAME="Autodesk Building Design Suite Standard 2016" SETUP_PACKAGECODE={7A6AF34C-12DF-4B5F-BCEB-FB049DFD0E83} SETUP_UNINSTALLKEYS=1 SETUP_ISLANGUAGEPACK=0 SETUP_PRODUCTDEPENDENCIES=";;;;" PACKAGEUPI={7E2C1719-3D88-49EF-8092-AA5CE642D07B} ADSK_SOURCE_ROOT="C:\Autodesk\Building_Design_Suite_Standard_2016_English_Win_32_64bit_dlm\" FILESINUSETEXT="" REBOOT=ReallySuppress ADSK_SETUP_EXE=1 
2015/12/7:16:36:58 Owner OWNER-PC  Install AutoCAD Architecture 2016 Language Core - English Failed Installation aborted, Result=1603 
2015/12/7:16:37:09 Owner OWNER-PC Rollback AutoCAD Architecture 2016 Core Succeeded           
2015/12/7:16:37:09 Owner OWNER-PC Rollback DirectX Runtime Failed Failure is ignored, Result=1619 
Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2017 Setup.log  
First, the installation of .NET 4.6 failed. The system ignored the failure and tried to install the software anyway. Next, the installation of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 redistributable (x64) failed, and the installation of AutoCAD LT 2017 was canceled. Because the installation of .NET and C++ both failed, rollback wasn’t needed because nothing was installed.)
2017/2/28:12:30:42 AllenOffice ALLENOFFICE-PC PageOpen ProductSelectionDialog2                              
2017/2/28:12:30:45 AllenOffice ALLENOFFICE-PC PageOpen FullProgressDialog                          
2017/2/28:12:30:45 AllenOffice ALLENOFFICE-PC Installing.NETFrameworkRuntime4.6:"C:\Autodesk\AutoCAD_LT_2017_64bit_dlm\3rdParty\dotNetFramework\46\dotNetFx46_Full_x86_x64.exe"/q/norestart
2017/2/28:12:32:41 AllenOffice ALLENOFFICE-PC              Install               .NETFrameworkRuntime4.6          Failed    Failure is ignored, Result=1603 
2017/2/28:12:32:41 AllenOffice ALLENOFFICE-PC InstallingMicrosoftVisualC++2010SP1Redistributable(x64):"C:\Autodesk\AutoCAD_LT_2017_64bit_dlm\3rdParty\x64\VCRedist\2010SP1\vcredist_x64.exe"
2017/2/28:12:32:45 AllenOffice ALLENOFFICE-PC  Install MicrosoftVisualC++2010SP1Redistributable(x64) Failed Installation aborted, Result=1603 


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