How to import a layout from one drawing file to another in AutoCAD products

Autodesk Support

May 14, 2024

Products and versions covered


How to import a layout from one AutoCAD drawing file to another that includes: 
  • Viewports.
  • Title blocks.
  • Text.
  • Annotations.
  • Dimensions.
  • Page setups.


Existing drawing and template files can be used as a source to create or add layouts:
  • Method 1 - From Template:
  1. Open the drawing file into which an existing or predefined layout should be imported. 
  2. Select a layout tab and Right-click on it.
  3. Select From Template... 
  4. Adjust the file type to Drawing (*.dwg) or Template (*.dwt) as needed. 
  5. Browse to the drawing or template file that contains the desired layouts. 
  6. Select one or more layouts from the Insert Layouts dialog. 
  7. Confirm with OK to add the layouts to the current drawing file.
  • Method 2 - DesignCenter (DC):
  1. Open both the source drawing and the destination drawings.
  2. While in the destination drawing, enter DC on the command line.
  3. Select the Open Drawings tab in the Design Center dialog.
  4. Expand the source drawing tree.
  5. Select Layouts in the tree.
  6. Select the desired layout(s) to import.
  7. Right-click and select Add Layout(s). 
  8. The layouts will be imported and Design Center can be closed. 


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