How to import or open a file in Fusion

Autodesk Support

Sep 6, 2024

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How to import or open designs or drawings in Fusion.



Opening a file in Fusion

The file can be a previously saved Fusion design, or a file saved locally on your computer by performing the following steps: 
  1. Click File > Open. 
    • Opening file in Fusion
  2. The Open dialog box will appear showing your cloud data.
  3. Navigate to a file listed in your cloud data and click Open to open the file. To open a file saved locally on your computer, click "Open from my computer" and navigate to the file to open.
  4. When the file has completed Cloud translation, click "Open" in the jobStatus window, to start the file in Fusion.
    • Upload the F3D or other file in Fusion  

Upload designs using the Data Panel

To upload a file into Fusion using the data panel, perform the following steps as shown in this video: How to upload a CAD file into Fusion.
  1. Access the Data Panel by clicking the grid symbol at the upper left corner of Fusion.
Opening the Data Panel by clicking the icon in the upper left corner of fusion
  1. Click Upload and select files from your computer to upload into Fusion. For a list of file types that can be uploaded into Fusion, see the Fusion Supported File Formats.
Upload and select files from your computer to upload into Fusion team hub.
  • Note:
    • Uploading a design or multiple designs to the Fusion Data Panel uses the cloud translation process to immediately translate designs that are not native Fusion files (such as .ipt) into the native Fusion format (.f3d). This process requires that you are working online.
    • Drawing or sketch files can only be imported as DWG/DXF/SVG.

Upload designs using the Fusion Team hub.

  1. To open a large .IGS or .STEP file, upload it to the Fusion Team Hub. See: Upload designs in Fusion Team
  2. Select the Overview option to view the uploaded Design file.
  3. Select Open in Desktop option to open the file in Fusion.


Inserting components, STL, OBJ, DXF, and SVG Files into existing files:

  • To insert an STL, OBJ, DXF, or, SVG file into an existing Fusion file, use the insert command in the toolbar. 
Inserting components, STL, OBJ, DXF, and SVG Files into existing files





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