How to insert a mesh body into Fusion

Autodesk Support

Aug 16, 2024

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How to insert and work with a mesh file (STL or OBJ file format) in a Fusion design.


While a mesh file can be uploaded through the cloud translation process to the Fusion Data Panel, there is also an option to insert a mesh body directly into a file by performing the following: 

To insert a mesh body into an existing design, use the Insert Mesh tool in the Model > Insert menu. To do so, follow the instructions listed:
  1. From the Insert Menu, click Insert Mesh. 
Insert mesh in Fusion .png
  1. Select the mesh file from your computer to insert. 
  2. Click Open.
  3. In the Insert Mesh dialogue, ensure that the imported units match the units from the mesh source file. STL and OBJ files are unitless, which means that they use an absolute value on import. For example, creating a 25x25x25mm box but importing it in inches will result in a box that is 25x25x25in rather than mm. 
insert mesh dialog box
  1. Move the position of the body if necessary. 
  2. Click OK on the Insert Mesh dialogue. 
  3. Use the tools available in the Mesh tab to edit the mesh body. 
mesh tab on the ribbon


  • Uploading a Mesh file in either STL or OBJ format through the Data Panel will create a file containing only the mesh data, shown in the file as a mesh body. To learn more about how to upload data to the Fusion Data Panel, refer to this article: How to use the Autodesk Translation Framework (Cloud Translators).
  • Fusion will triangulate mesh polygons by default. This preference is found in the Preferences > Mesh window shown below. If working with quad meshes consistently, disable this option to maintain the source polygons in the mesh body.
triangulate mesh polygons
  • When converting a mesh body to a BRep or T-spline body in Fusion, the current limit for number of mesh elements is roughly 10,000. Meshes with greater than 10,000 elements will cause the performance of Fusion to suffer and Fusion may not be able to convert them to solid bodies. 
  • When working with large or complex mesh files, it may be beneficial to refine the mesh using either Autodesk ReMake or Autodesk Meshmixer before inserting them into Fusion. These programs are purpose-built for working with meshes and will allow greater freedom without the performance limitations of Fusion. 
  • Refer to this screencast video for an example of how to use Autodesk Remake to reduce a quad-mesh while maintaining dimensional and form accuracy when the mesh is imported to Fusion: How to use Reform Quad engine in Remake to reduce element counts.



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