How to install Autodesk Products silently

Autodesk Support

Apr 16, 2024

Products and versions covered


How to install Autodesk software silently? 


To get silent installation done, follow these guidelines:
  • Until Version 2021:
Silent installation for Autodesk software can be done through Windows SCCM (or any other software distribution) by creating a deployment for the software you are wanting to install.

For example, SCCM:

  1. Creating the source directory using the deployment process. The deployment process creates the files and instructions, but SCCM must be configured to use these files.
  2. In the created deployment path, a folder named SMS_SCCM script is created and there a text file called <Deployment name>.txt. In that file, all command lines are listed to install all components through software distribution and all available parameters.
  3. Create the SCCM software installation package. An SCCM package contains the files and instructions that SCCM uses to distribute the software and advertise the package to users.

To create a software installation package using SCCM, refer to the article: How to Create the SCCM Software Installation Package

  • Version 2022 and higher(or New Install Framework Revit 2021, Maya 2020, 3ds Max 2021):
In the deployment path, the file Install <deployment name>.bat is created.
This bat file can be modified placing the term "rem" at the beginning of the command to disable it. 
"rem" is used to comment-out the line on which is used. 

See the following example for a silent installation.
Only the required command doesn't have "rem" at it's beginning:


rem ========== Install the deployment with basic UI ==========
rem "\\<SHARE>\Deployment\image\Installer.exe" -i deploy --offline_mode --ui_mode basic -o ...

rem ========== Install the deployment silently ==========
"\\<SHARE>\Deployment\image\Installer.exe" -i deploy --offline_mode -q -o ...

rem ========== Uninstall the individual product ==========

rem ========== Uninstall Autodesk Revit 2022
rem "\\<SHARE>\Deployment\image\Installer.exe" 


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