How to purge versions in Vault

Autodesk Support

Jun 14, 2024

Products and versions covered


How can file versions be purged/removed from a Vault over the Autodesk Data Management Server (ADMS) Console, or directly in Vault Client?


Old versions of files must be purged to free up hard disk space on the server or lower the run time for different Vault routines (migration, backup, restore ...).


There are two methods of purging one using the server console detailed here:

ADMS Purge Files (See more details in ADMS Purge Files)

Before running any purge of Vault make sure to have a recent backup of Vault. It's also a good precaution to set up a test Vault system, restore the Vault backup there and test out the purging operation before running the purge in production.

To run a purge from the server console:
  1. Start the ADMS Console on your Vault server.
  2. Select a Vault from the Vaults folder.
  3. Select Actions > Purge.
  4. Purging Vault will always purge first based on Lifecycle control settings. If Files have no lifecycle control settings then they can be manually purged following these parameters:
  • Turn on the check box next to each of the selection rules to determine the data to be purged:

Versions except latest

Specify how many file versions to leave in the Vault.

Versions older than days

Specify how old the files to purge should be.

Exclude versions where comment contains:

Enter a text string contained within the Comments field of the files in the Vault. Any files containing this string will be excluded from the purge process.


Purging directly from Vault Client (See more details in Purging Versions)

To run a purge of a single file:
  1. Select the file in the Vault Client.
  2. Go to edit then 'Purge...'.
Purge command in Vault Client


Vault Basic; Vault Professional; Vault Workgroup;

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