How to set the database compatibility for a Vault Database.

Autodesk Support

Oct 18, 2023

Products and versions covered


Performance problems can be avoided by ensuring the compatibility value for each AUTODESKVAULT User database is set correctly. You would like to know how to do that.


This article applies before the 2023.1 Update and later. After that, the Compatibility Level is set to 2016.


Download and install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SMSS).

Once SMSS is installed:
  1. Start SMSS.
  2. Windows Start > Microsoft SQL Server Tools 201x > Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  3. Login to the AUTODESKVAULT SQL instance the 'sa' user (or as a user with equal rights as the 'sa' account.)
  4. Expand 'Databases'.
  5. On each User database, right click and select 'Properties'.
User-added image
  1. Select the 'Options' page and set the 'Compatibility level' to 'SQL Server 2012 (110)'.
User-added image
Repeat step 5 and 6 for each User Database in the AUTODESKVAULT SQL instance

Autodesk also recommends the SQL Maintenance Plan is run regularly.


Vault Basic; Vault Professional; Vault Workgroup;

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