How to share an Autodesk Fusion design

Autodesk Support

Jan 10, 2025

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How to share an Autodesk Fusion Design with others? 


See the following methods for sharing a Fusion design:

Export the design

  1. You can create an exported Fusion archive file by exporting an F3D, F3Z (distributed design containing xref's), or F2D file. See How to make a local archive (back-up) file in Fusion and How to export a CAD design from Fusion
  2. To upload a shared file back into Fusion, see this article: How to import or open a file in Autodesk Fusion

Create a Share link

  1. Generate a share link through one of the following methods:
    • Right-click the file in the data panel and click Share Link.                                                     

Data panel

  • The same option can also be found in the File>Share drop-down menu. 

File menu


  1. The following dialog box will appear and provide an option to share a design, allow it to be downloaded, or enable password protection. The link can be shared with another within or outside the company domain.
Share file link
  1. Click "copy" and then you can send the hyperlink to anyone requesting access to the file.

Copy button location


Note: There is also a Share Item command in the Activity Feed in Fusion's Hub Dashboard

Share from Fusion hub

Invite another into the project

  • Another way to share a design is to invite another member to the project. Use the Invite button in the project's Dashboard. Learn more about the Invite command in the Fusion Learning Session.
  • Note: The invitation includes a whole project and not just a single design. Sharing a project with others gives them access to all designs in that project.


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