How to share files for troubleshooting assistance.

Autodesk Support

Jan 30, 2024

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How to share files for troubleshooting assistance.


You have encountered unexpected behavior, you have isolated the issue to a particular project, or group of projects, and want to share a copy of the project with someone to get assistance in troubleshooting the issue.


If possible, take a copy of the file and simplify it (by deleting out unrelated parts) until just the affected elements, or views remain.

This process can have several benefits, including:
  • Reduced file size
  • A better understanding of the scope of the issue
  • You can remove sensitive information
  • This could lead to finding a solution
Note: If you cannot share a project due to sensitive information (which can't be removed), try reproducing the behavior in a new project. This process can also lead to finding a solution.

With a simplified file, or new file with the issue reproduced, use one of the following sharing options:

For Autodesk Support cases:

  • Attach the file directly to your support case, up to 2GBs, through the Autodesk Accounts page (for larger files, you can create a multi-part ZIP file: Splitting Files). 
    Note: If attaching large files you may receive a warning, and then a separate section to attach the large files.
  • Reply to a support e-mail (you can e-mail files up to 5MBs, larger files may be rejected by the system).

Other options:

  • Share the file through a cloud storage service (e.g. Box, Dropbox, Onedrive).
  • Provide a URL to your own personal FTP site.


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