How to uninstall Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service

Autodesk Support

Dec 3, 2024

Products and versions covered


The Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service is compatible with versions 2020 and later of Autodesk software.
This article explains how to uninstall it, as this does not appear in Autodesk Uninstall Tool or Control Panel > Program And Features.


  • Windows
  • Mac



  1. Open the Windows File Explorer.
  2. Go to the folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\AdskLicensing
  3. Right-click uninstall.exe and select "Run as administrator".
  4. Wait until the folder becomes empty.
  5. Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service is now removed for the computer.


  1. Download the script
  2. Open Terminal (Go > Utilities > Terminal).
  3. Start typing sh and then drag and drop the script into the Terminal window. The command will auto complete into something similar to: sh /path/to/
  4. Press ENTER to execute the command. Note: Terminal will ask for a password. Type your Mac password and press ENTER (no character is shown as you type).
  5. Type: ls -lrt /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/AdskLicensing/Current and press ENTER.
  6. The output shows "No such file or directory" to confirm that AdskLicensing was removed.


In Terminal, run the following commands:

rpm -qa | grep -i -E "adsklicensing|adlmapps|adlmflexnet"
rpm -qa | grep -i -E "adsklicensing|adlmapps|adlmflexnet" | sudo xargs rpm -e --noscripts
sudo rm -r -v /opt/Autodesk/AdskLicensing/
sudo rm -r -v /opt/Autodesk/Adlm/

Note: The above steps are sufficient in the majority of cases. However, you can also perform a full clean uninstall of the Licensing service by also removing/renaming the folder AdskLicensingService located in C:\ProgramData\Autodesk (Windows), /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/AdskLicensingService/ (macOS), or /var/opt/Autodesk/AdskLicensingService (Linux). This folder includes licensing cached configuration files. If removed, do note that a reinstall of all 2020+ software will be needed in order to re-register all with the Licensing service.



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