How to use Revit in Viewer Mode

Autodesk Support

Mar 3, 2025

Products and versions covered


You need to provide employees with the ability to view only Revit files and drawings.


To open and review models without an active license, you can run Revit in viewer mode. Revit Viewer is intended for reviewing models and printing views and sheets without the need for a software license or subscription.

Revit is installed

Use the Revit Viewer shortcut in the Start Menu, to launch Revit in the viewer mode.

Revit is not installed

  1. Download and install Revit selecting the trial option.

  2. When launching Revit from the Start Menu use the Revit Viewer option.

  3. Open the desired Revit model.

Note: While in the viewer mode, views can be printed if there have been no changes. Changes can be made to the model, but the model cannot be saved. 

Workshared models that won't allow printing

To print from a workshared project file in Viewer Mode, ensure that the Detach from Central and Create New Local check boxes in the File Open dialog are unchecked so that changes are not made to the project as it is opened which would prevent printing.

More Information on Viewer

For more information on the Revit Viewer, see the following help topic: About Revit Viewer.


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