How to use shared CAM Assets in a Fusion Team Hub

Autodesk Support

Oct 1, 2024

Products and versions covered


How to use shared CAM Assets (Tool Libraries, Post Processors, Templates) in a Fusion Team Hub, to access cloud libraries from the project.


    To work with shared CAM Assets in a Team Hub

    1. Create a Team Hub using the previous instructions if one does not exist. 
    2. Add any members to the Team Hub. See Administer team members and roles
    3. Select Enable Cloud Libraries in the Fusion 360 Preferences, under the Manufacture tab.
    Enable cloud library.
    1. Upload CAM Assets into the appropriate locations in the Assets project:
    • CAMTools is for Tool Libraries.
    • CAMPosts is for Post Processors. 
    • CAMTemplates is for templated CAM operations. 
    • When a CAM Asset is edited by a member of the hub, the changes will be shown in the version number of the asset in the Fusion Data Panel.  For example, if a tool is added to a Cloud Tool Library by one member of a team, the other members of the team will see a new version of the library in their Data Panel after restarting Fusion or refreshing the Assets > CAMTools folder in their Data Panel. 
    • Sometimes, a Team Hub member will not have access to the Assets folders even with full Editor permissions.  In such a case, have the Hub Administrator toggle the activation status of the team members' accounts.
    • Assets folders in personal hubs cannot be shared between different Fusion users.
    • CAM Assets folders are automatically shared with all members of a Fusion Team Hub. The Assets folder is linked to the Hub rather than an individual user or project.
    • Make sure that a Team Hub is created and all users have access to it
    • To create a Team Hub, see: How to signup for a new Fusion team hub. To learn more about administering a Fusion Team Hub, see: Fusion 360 Team Hub Learning



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