Linked IFC file is not visible in the Revit model in the BIM 360/ACC viewer

Autodesk Support

Jan 31, 2025

Products and versions covered


Users reported that Linked IFC model is not displayed when opening a Revit Cloud Worksharing file on BIM 360 or Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC). Even when adjusting publish settings and publishing the model, objects from the linked IFC file are missing in the plans.


By the current state of the product design, linked IFC models are not displayed within the Revit host model in BIM 360/ACC online viewer.


Try the following workflows as a work-around:

Import IFC to Revit

  1. Open the IFC model in Revit.
  2. Save the IFC file as Revit file.
  3. Initiate collaboration to BIM 360.

Using the *.IFC.RVT model generated when linking IFC to Revit

  1. Link the IFC model in Revit.
  2. While linking *.IFC.RVT file is automatically created by Revit.
  3. Open created *.IFC.RVT file.
  4. Save the model as cloud model, or initiate collaboration to BIM 360/ACC.
  5. Open the host file in Revit.
  6. Save the model as cloud model or Initiate collaboration to BIM 360/ACC.
  7. Link the Revit file created by any approaches above in the host model through External Resource.
  8. Publish the host model to BIM 360/ACC.

Using BIM 360/ACC Model Coordination as an alternative

  1. Create the folder as a coordination space,
  2. Upload all models in that, including IFC. Then the reviewer can check the collaboration in BIM 360/ACC Model Coordination.

Upload all models (links and host model) using the "upload linked files" utility

Upload linked files in BIM360 

This utility works only for DWGs and Revit models, so IFC.RVT links must also be used: 

  1. Open the host model in Revit
  2. Link the IF.RVT models (remove the native IFC models previously, if they were already inserted). 
  3. Save changes to the local RVT model. 
  4. Upload host model and IFC.RVT links to BIM 360 using “upload linked files”. 

Note: Step 4 will have to be repeated with all models, each time there is an update in any of the models. 



Revit Product Family; Revit Cloud Worksharing; BIM 360; Construction Cloud;

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