Linked IFC is not uploaded in BIM 360 Document Management

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

Products and versions covered


When uploading a Revit model with an IFC file linked into it, the following issues occur: 
  • Plans folder: "Extract failed" message will be displayed.
  • Project Files folder: Aggregated view doesn't show linked IFC. 


IFC linking is not supported in BIM 360 Document Management.


There are two possible options for resolving this issue.
  • If IFC link is not required, remove IFC and try to upload again (to avoid extraction failure in plans folder)
  • Import IFC into a Revit model and link as RVT format to the parent model, following the steps below:
  1. Open a new Revit model.
  2. Import IFC and save the model.
  3. Link this new Revit model to parent model.
  4. Upload new linked model to BIM 360 Document Management.


Revit Product Family; BIM 360;

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