Mental Ray and Iray renderers missing in 3ds Max 2017

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

Products and versions covered


Upon installing 3ds Max 2017, the Mental Ray and Iray render engines are no longer listed in the drop-down under Render Setup > Renderer.

Alternatively, when launching a new session in 3ds Max (including 3ds Max Templates), or sending a job to Backburner via 3ds Max, an error may be received stating an that an mr, mentalray or NVIDIA DLL is missing. (Shown below.)

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Mental Ray and Iray are no longer built-in renderers. In 3ds Max 2017, these render engines are plugins that must be checked as an option upon installation.

In addition, should these plug-ins be installed for one copy of 3ds Max but not for another located within the same network render farm, Backburner will fail and the job will not render.


If you would like to install the Mental Ray and Iray plugins, NVIDIA’s Mental Ray and Iray can be checked upon initial installation. By default it should already be checked.

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3ds Max; 3ds Max Design; mental ray Standalone;



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