"Missing DLLs" warning appears for Nvidia Mental Ray components when opening scenes in 3ds Max

Autodesk Support

Aug 22, 2022

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When opening 3ds Max, the message "Missing DLLs" appears and provides a list of Nvidia Mental Ray class DLLs that are missing. 

Note: The Mental Ray file names listed may vary depending on the scene or installation.
Missing Dlls
FileName: mrmaterialattribs.gup      Class: mental ray: material custom attribute
FileName: mrMaterialAttribs.gup      Class: mental ray: Indirect Illumination custom attribute
FileName: mrMaterialAttribs.gup      Class: mental ray: light shader custom attribute

User-added image


Includes, but is not limited to:
  • The 3ds Max preferences have possibly become corrupted.
  • A newer 3ds Max trying to open an older 3ds Max scene with legacy Mental Ray elements.


The solution may require one, or a combination of the following:

Reset 3ds Max

Reset the 3ds Max preference settings to remove any customization or corruption: How to reset 3ds Max user preference settings back to default

Convert the scene

Replace the legacy Mental Ray elements with new ones from the desired render solution. Examples include Arnold, VRay, Corona, and so on.
A workflow example:
  1. Use the Scene Converter.
  2. Manually delete any Mental ray elements in the scene
  3. Manually create new materials and replace/delete existing Mental Ray ones.
  4. Save as new.



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