"No valid Arnold license found" when activating Arnold license on macOS

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

Products and versions covered


At the attempt to activate the Arnold Multi-User license on MAC OS, an error message similar to the follow appears:


Arnold Version: (2020.0.0.F)
No valid Arnold license found




  • License server is not running or set properly.
  • Outdated version of Autodesk Single Sign On component.
  • Outdated version of the Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service (ADLS). 
  • Single-User license has not been assigned to the end user. 


First, verify the license type. See: Finding your license type. Then follow the below steps depending on the license type.

Single-user License

Multi-user (Network) License

  1. Check if the license server is running properly. See Installing the network license manager on Mac OS X.
  2. Check if the Arnold license is set up properly. See How to set up Autodesk Arnold license.

Note: After every reboot the network license server will need to be manually loaded. This can be bypassed by using the instructions found here: to automatically start a network license server on Mac


3ds Max; Maya; Arnold;



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