Not possible to copy drawing into project because of an already existing drawing in AutoCAD Plant 3D

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

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It is not possible to copy drawing into the project because of already an existing drawing but this "existing" drawing won't be shown in the project manager in AutoCAD Plant 3D.
  • The drawing randomly disappears from the Project Tree in the Project Manager.


Two possible reasons:
  • The drawing is open and in use in another process, or session of AutoCAD Plant 3D.
  • An orphaned row in the project database.
  • Short network disconnection cause drawing corruption for drawings which were open for working at that time.


Cause 1: Drawing is open in another session

  • Close the file before copying it to a project.

Cause 2: An orphaned row in the project database.

When attempting to remove the orphaned row in the database, it depends on what type of drawing is being removed; a P&ID or 3D piping model drawing. Also, if the project is of SQL Server or Lite type. 

P&ID drawing:
  • SQLite project: processpower.dcf
  • SQL Server project: <prefix>_PnID
3D model drawing:
  • SQLite project: piping.dcf
  • SQL Server project: <prefix>_Piping
For opening a dcf-file you can use a SQLite database browser like SQLite Expert Personal.
For opening the SQL Server database you have to use Microsoft Management Studio.
  1. Open the specific database (described above)
  2. Switch to table "PnPDrawings"
  3. Delete the row of the specific drawing

Cause 3: Short network disconnection cause drawing corruption for drawings which were open for working at that time

Utilize a backup of the project to continue working. If configured recover the drawing with Volume Shadow Copies:
  1. Open Windows Explorer and switch to the folder where the drawing is saved.
  2. Select the drawing and choose from context menu "Properties".
  3. Switch to tab "Previous Versions".
  4. If configured recover the drawing from here.
If Volume Shadow Copies are not configured ask your IT to get a recover from a different backup.

Note: To prevent this scenario in the future, install update 2020.1. It is also "fixed" in 2021 and newer. This "fix" will not recover the drawing but, if there is again a short network outage, the user will be get informed by a dialog about this short network outage. The user has the chance by this dialog to close the project on a save way.

Alternative solution: 
  1. Ensure that in PnPDrawings the drawing is not available anymore. Otherwise delete the row.
  2. Create a new drawing with the same name
  3. Open the corrupted drawing with "File - Open". 
  4. Select all (STRG+A) and copy all (STRG+C).
  5. Switch to the new file and paste (STRG+V).
Note: The tags are unassigned and have to be re-assigned again. 



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