Cannot select multiple objects in AutoCAD products

Autodesk Support

Jan 9, 2025

Products and versions covered


When trying to add more objects to a selection in AutoCAD products, the previously selected objects are deselected. Only one selection set is kept at a time.
  • Multiple objects can still be selected with selection or crossing windows, and by holding the Shift key while clicking items.
  • This issue occurs with all commands that require selecting objects: ERASE, COPY, TRIM, EXTEND, and so on.


  • The PICKADD system variable is set to 0 (zero). The PICKADD system variable controls whether objects are added or removed from the selection when a new object is selected. By default, PICKADD is set to 2. This allows to add more objects to the selection. When PICKADD is set to 0, pressing the Shift and clicking adds more objects at the Select Objects prompt. When prompted for an extra object, hold the Shift key while clicking the object and add it to the selection set.
  • The drawing objects are corrupt.


Configure using the AutoCAD command line

To enable multiple selections by clicking them with the mouse:

  1. On the command line in AutoCAD, enter the PICKADD command.
  2. Enter 2 for the value.

 Configure from the Options dialogue

  1. Click the application menu (the A in the top-left corner) and select Options.
  2. On the Selection tab, clear the Use Shift to add to selection option.

    Options - Selection settings.
  3. Click OK to close the Options window

Configure using the System Variable Monitor

Some third-party applications and LISP routines may set the PICKADD variable to 0. In AutoCAD 2016 and newer releases, the System Variable Monitor can be used to configure a list of system variables whose modifications cause an alert. PICKADD can be monitored to know when the setting changes, and is in the list by default. To set the System Variable Monitor to notify if this variable changes:

  1. On the command line, enter SYSVARMONITOR to open the System Variable Monitor window.
  2. Verify that PICKADD is set to 2.
    • To receive a notification about PICKADD being 0, enter 2 in the Preferred column.
    • If PICKADD is not shown, click Edit List, select PICKADD under Available System Variables, and click Right Arrow ( >>) to move PICKADD into the Monitored System Variables list.
  3. Click OK to close the window.

 Configure using macOS Application preferences

  1. Click the product name in the top-left corner (AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT), and select Preferences.
  2. On the Cursor & Selection tab, clear the Use Shift key to add to selection option.

    macOS Application Preferences
  3. Choose OK to close the Preferences window.

Corrupt file

If none of the previous fixes the issue, select all the objects in the drawing and copy them to a new file.


AutoCAD for Mac; AutoCAD LT for Mac; AutoCAD Products;

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