"Operation Could Not Be Completed..." when trying to create new local from or synchronize to a central model on Revit Server

Autodesk Support

Jan 4, 2025

Products and versions covered


When attempting to create a new local file for a central model, creating a central model, or to synchronize an existing model with the central file on a Revit Server, the following error gets displayed: 

Operation Could Not Be Completed

This operation could not be completed. Please try again. 
If you are collaborating on a model using the cloud or Revit Server, check your network connection. 
If the problem persists, save any changes to the models locally. 

This operation could not be completed. Please try again when attempting to open/save files from Revit Server

The related Revit journal file in the folder > %LOCALAPPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit [VERSION]\Journals < records the following entries: 

When running Revit with German User Interface: 

' 6:< Retry Count: 0 . Caught exception:
' 6:< System.ServiceModel.FaultException: Es steht nicht genug Speicherplatz auf dem Datentr�ger zur Verf�gung.
' 6:< captureTryCrash 0xe06d7363
' 6:< ::804:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 134207006 MB, Used +0 -> 4082 MB; RAM: Avail -14 -> 20954 MB, Used +51 -> 1962 MB
' 6:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8823, Used 1177, User: Used 586
' 6:< captureTryCrash 0xe06d7363
' 0.844286======= 6:<<<commitAllGlobalStreams
' 1.167666====== 5:<<Storing tables
' 4:< GETLOADSTOREOPTIONS in GET Project\ProjectAgent.cpp(35) despite m_dontFetch
' 16.562575===== 4:<<ModelStorer::storeDocument()
' 16.787733==== 3:<<TrustedUtility::SaveToStorage - serialize block
' 16.977072=== 2:<<TrustedUtility::saveToStorage
' 1:< GETLOADSTOREOPTIONS in GET Project\ProjectAgent.cpp(35) despite m_dontFetch
'C 03-Feb-2021 16:55:15.526; 1:< WCF Generic Fault Exception. The services could not be in a good state. Please contact technical support.
' 1:< TaskDialog "Dieser Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. Versuchen Sie es erneut."


When running Revit with English User Interface: 

' 6:< Retry Count: 0 . Caught exception:
' 6:< System.ServiceModel.FaultException: System.ServiceModel.FaultException:There is not enough space on the disk.
' 6:< captureTryCrash 0xe06d7363
' 6:< ::804:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 134207006 MB, Used +0 -> 4082 MB; RAM: Avail -14 -> 20954 MB, Used +51 -> 1962 MB
' 6:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8823, Used 1177, User: Used 586
' 6:< captureTryCrash 0xe06d7363
' 0.844286======= 6:<<<commitAllGlobalStreams
' 1.167666====== 5:<<Storing tables
' 4:< GETLOADSTOREOPTIONS in GET Project\ProjectAgent.cpp(35) despite m_dontFetch
' 16.562575===== 4:<<ModelStorer::storeDocument()
' 16.787733==== 3:<<TrustedUtility::SaveToStorage - serialize block
' 16.977072=== 2:<<TrustedUtility::saveToStorage
' 1:< GETLOADSTOREOPTIONS in GET Project\ProjectAgent.cpp(35) despite m_dontFetch
'C 03-Feb-2021 16:55:15.526; 1:< WCF Generic Fault Exception. The services could not be in a good state. Please contact technical support.
' 1:< TaskDialog "
This operation could not be completed. Please try again."


Revit Server Accelerator Cache ran full of data. 


Follow the guide of this article to resolve the issue: 

Additional Articles

For more articles on this error, see the following article "This operation could not be completed. Please try again" when working in Revit Server


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