Pull-down menu and dialog window locations are inconsistent when running 3ds Max on dual monitors

Autodesk Support

May 3, 2024

Products and versions covered


When using 3ds Max on dual or multiple monitors, certain pull-down menus, floating menus and dialog windows may appear in inconsistent locations, scaled incorrectly, with smaller text or off-screen or truncated text.


  • Multi-monitor setups.
  • 150%+ Windows 10 scaling


  • Windows 10 display scaling has changed from previous releases when using different display scale settings on each monitor.
  • 4K monitor is not the primary monitor in Windows 10.


Dual and Multi-Monitor Setups

For dual-monitor setups, the Windows scaling should be set to the same values regardless of each monitor's resolution. If changing the scaling on both a 4K and HD display (using different Windows scaling settings for each), this may result in inconsistent 3ds Max Viewport feedback when opening and closing certain menus items.

Should this behavior occur:
  1. In Windows, right-click the Desktop.
  2. Choose Display Settings.
  3. Click the desired display to set as the main display or primary monitor.
  4. Scroll down and click the box "Make this my main display."
Windows Scale and Layout

Should any of the display behaviors noted previously persist, see the article: DPI scaling using 4K monitors is wrong or not working properly using newer versions of 3ds Max


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