Revit Journal records "COleException", code=0x80004005: Unspecified error

Autodesk Support

Jan 13, 2025

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When working in Revit, and encountering an issue/error, Revit is recording the following entries preceding the error:
Load exception "COleException", code=0x80004005: Unspecified error


Revit is not able to read the RVT file as a valid Revit model.


Cloud Models

In some cases cloud models will be packed up in a ZIP file (but may still have the RVT extension). If seeing this issue with a locally downloaded file, try renaming to ZIP, then extracting.

If encountering this when working with cloud models:

Remote Files

If the model is stored in a remote location (not on the local storage of the system running Revit), try copying the file to the local system and (if this is successful) try opening the model.

If same issue occurs with local model, try renaming to a ZIP file, and extracting.

Local Files

If this is showing up for local files (which are not a ZIP file), it indicates that the file is damaged (corrupt). See the following article for information on recovery options: "Data in file (file name).rvt is corrupt and needs to be manually recovered" when opening a file or syncing a file to central in Revit

An enhancement request has been posted on the BIM 360 Ideas Forum: Option to not download linked models when downloading a file from BIM360 Docs.


Revit Product Family; Revit Cloud Worksharing;

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