"This operation could not be completed. Please try again..." when synchronizing with a central model stored on Revit Server

Autodesk Support

Jan 3, 2025

Products and versions covered


When synchronizing with a central model stored on Revit Server the following error message appears in Revit:

"This operation could not be completed. Please try again...".

The journal file contains entries similar to:
System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Autodesk.RevitServer.Enterprise.Common.ClientServer.DataContract.ModelAccess.ModelDataAccessTokenExpiredFault]: preview.5873.dat 
  ' 1:< Operation - AbortWriteData: ModelSessionToken: User's Name Name, User's Machine Name Machine, Operation GUID 1f1d4233-6ef4-4bf3-bdda-0d3159d9444d, Central server = "ServerName", Path = "model.rvt"
or to these lines:
System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Autodesk.RevitServer.Enterprise.Common.ClientServer.DataContract.ModelAccess.ModelDataAccessTokenExpiredFault]: Exception of type 'Autodesk.RevitServer.Enterprise.Common.Server.Helper.Exceptions.ModelDataAccessTokenExpiredException' was thrown.


Remove Accelerator

If working through an accelerator, see the following help topic for instructions on how To remove a Revit Server accelerator

If removing the accelerator clears the error, this indicates the accelerator is not working properly. See the following article for troubleshooting on this topic: How to check if an installation of Revit Server is working properly

Apply Windows Updates

  • On the Revit Server
    1. Apply all available Windows Server updates.
    2. Reboot the server.
  • On the Workstation
    1. Clear Windows temp files (%TEMP%).
    2. Cleared Revit Locals, by default they are in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents.

Additional Articles

For more articles on this error, see the following article "This operation could not be completed. Please try again" when working in Revit Server



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