"Revit Server Administrator is not available" or "operation could not be completed" message received

Autodesk Support

Jan 3, 2025

Products and versions covered


When working with Revit Server, one or more of the following errors appear:
  • "Revit Server Administrator is not available" message when accessing Revit Server Administrator.
  • "This operation could not be completed" message when trying to open or save models with the server.
  • An error that "the folder does not exist or has been moved" when trying to browse folders on the server. 
Entries similar to the following are found in the Revit Server Model Service.log:
ERROR TID(230) LOGGER(ServerLogger) MSG(Exception: (FaultException`1, ComponentActivator: could not instantiate Autodesk.RevitServer.Enterprise.Core.Model.ModelStorage.ModelStorageProvider) StackTrace: [   at Autodesk.Social.Core.ExceptionHandling.ExceptionInterceptor.Intercept(IInvocation invocation)][   at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed()][   at Autodesk.RevitServer.Enterprise.Common.ClientServer.Helper.Logging.MethodLoggingInterceptor.Intercept(IInvocation invocation)])
INFO TID(230) LOGGER(ServerLogger) MSG(ReturnType = Boolean ReturnValue = null)
UnauthorizedAccessException, Access to the path 'D:\RevitServerData\2020\Projects\super.lock' is denied



For Local Storage:

Add Network Service to Security (folder properties) and grant account full control.

For Remote Storage:

  1. Create RevitServerService domain administrative account, as described in the System Requirements for Revit Server
  2. During the Revit Server Installation, specify the RevitServerService account for the Data Storage, as described in the Install and Configure Revit Server help topic.
  3. Verify that the RevitServerService has Full Control for the <Project Data folder>, Cache, and TempRepository folders.
Note: If the TempRepository folder does not exist (in the same path as the <Project Data folder>), then the permissions for the path may not be allowing Revit Server to create this folder. Try manually creating the folder, check the permissions on this folder, and retry accessing Revit Server.

Additional Articles

For more articles on this error, see the following article "This operation could not be completed. Please try again" when working in Revit Server


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