How to use Revit files with cloud sync'd services

Autodesk Support

Sep 26, 2024

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Can Revit's file-based worksharing be used successfully on cloud storage solutions (for example, Dropbox, OneDrive, SharePoint, ShareFile, Google Drive, Egnyte)?


Simple Answer

If an experience similar to using file-based worksharing in a LAN environment is expected, then the answer would be no.

More Complex Answer

File-based worksharing in Revit was designed before the proliferation of cloud services and storage. The protections to ensure that only one user owns a particular element or workset do not account for other applications/services interacting with the files and replicating them.

As a result of this, problematic behavior that could be encountered when working in such an environment would include:

  • Create new local checkbox dimmed.
  • Corruption of the central model.
  • Lost work: If two people synchronize at the same time, one user's changes will be lost while the others are retained.
  • Incompatible local models where data cannot be successfully synchronized back to the central model.

Better Options


Revit; Revit Cloud Worksharing;

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