Revit corruption errors related to system storage

Autodesk Support

May 23, 2024

Products and versions covered


When opening Revit models, a corruption error is encountered | System Storage related


Revit is not able to properly read / write to the system storage (HDD/SSD).


Free space

When Revit opens an RVT file, it expands out the data into the user Temp folder (%TEMP%). If Revit is not able to write or read the Temp folder because of low hard disk space, then corruption messages can occur even when the RVT file itself is fine. 

  • To ensure that this is not happening, free up at least 5 GB of hard disk space (this requirement is documented in the System Requirements for Revit). If working with larger models/projects (over 100 MBs), ensure that there is even more space available. 

Free space required:

  1. Take the total size of the project (main RVT + all linked RVT models).

  2. Multiply by 20.

  3. Add 5 GB.

[Total Size x 20 + 5 GBs] (For Revit cloud models multiple by 3, i.e., Total Size x 20 x 3, before adding the 5 GBs.)

Empty Temp folder

To ensure that there is no bad data in the Temp folder, and possibly free up significant hard disk space, delete all items currently in the Temp folder. To access this, type %tmp% into the Start menu search, into the Run window (WINDOWS-R), or into the location bar of any folder window.
Note: If a warning appears about a file/folder being in use, then skip these items as they are in use by a running application/service.


If the information above does not clear the corruption error, see the following article for further troubleshooting: "Data in file (file name).rvt is corrupt and needs to be manually recovered" when opening a file or syncing a file to central in Revit


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