"Schema conflict when Loading a file" for Enigma or Traceit when opening a model in Revit

Autodesk Support

Jan 28, 2025

Products and versions covered


Users reported that while opening a Revit file, the following error message is received:

Schema Conflict when Loading a File

The file being loaded is causing a conflict with the existing data in the model. What do you want to do?

The file contains data of schema Enigma/Traceit…"

Enigma Schema Conflict when Loading a FileTraceIt Schema Conflict when loading a file


This issue can be caused by either of the following:
  • A file containing one of the schemas was accessed (through opening a project or family, or accessing a linked model). This loads the first schema into memory.
  • ​​​​A file containing the other schema is accessed. This leads to the warning.


Revit 2025 and later:

  • Added automatic cleaning of problematic Extensible Storage schemas during file upgrade to Revit 2025 per Release Notes.

Revit 2024 and prior:

  1. Download/install the attached InviewLabs.CleanProject.Installer.msi.
  2. Open your Revit project and run Purge Unused command.
  3. Select Check None.
  4. Find the schema under Other Styles -> Extensible Storage Schemas, and check it.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Save.
  7. Close Revit.
Workshared models: If the model is work-shared, after going through the steps above, re-open and check if the schema shows up in Purge Unused, and if so purge it again.then save and sync again.

Different Schema

If seeing this error, but with a different schema listed, see the following article for more information on troubleshooting "Schema conflict when Loading a file" when opening or linking a model in Revit




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