How to create and set Environment Variables using text file for Fusion

Autodesk Support

Feb 25, 2025

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How to create and set Environment Variables using a text file for Fusion.


There are two ways to set environment variables for Fusion: 

Create and set values for an environment-variables.txt

Create an environment-variables.txt file in one of two ways: 

  • Within Fusion:  
    1. Access the text command box by selecting the File icon > View > Show Text Commands.
    2. Type the following command:
      • app.env /edit
    3. Select enter/return on your keyboard. This will open the text file in your default .txt editor. If the file does not exist, it will be created for you.


  • Within a text editor (In the case that Fusion cannot start): 
    1. Open a new document in a text editor such as Notepad.exe or
    2. Name the text file environment-variables.txt
    3. Save it the following directories: 
      • Windows: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Fusion 360\
      • macOS: /Users/<username>/Documents/Fusion 360/

Set values in environment-variables.txt

  1. Open the environment-variables.txt 
  2. Type each variable on a single line in the format: 
    • <NAME>=<value> 
    • Examples: 
  3. Save the file.
  4. Shut down Fusion, and restart the program.
    • Note: You must manually close and restart the program; restarting through Clear cache data or Live Update will persist previous values 
  5. Within Fusion, use the text command app.env to print the contents of the environment-variables.txt file to the console 



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