Text and symbols from AutoCAD Products are displayed as dots in plotted PDF files

Autodesk Support

Sep 26, 2024

Products and versions covered


When a PDF file is plotted from AutoCAD Products, text or symbols are displayed as dots. In some cases, entire lines of text will appear as dots if there iss even one special symbol in the line, such as a double-quote (") symbol or a degree (°) or diameter (⌀) symbol, or special letters, such as ā, ķ, š, etc.
Note: Also, the following error may occur when opening the PDF:

Acrobat Reader

Cannot find or create the font <font name>. Some characters may not display or print correctly.
Cannot find or create the font ArialMT. Some characters may not display or print correctly.


  • Arial MT is a old post script font type, it was replaced by the new Arial True Type font type, but if the Arial MT, it is the same font. But if the old Arial MT font is desired, reinstall it from the Adobe website.
  • Certain TrueType (TTF) fonts need a higher vector resolution in order to appear correctly in PDFs.
  • The font used is an OpenType (OTF) font with no TrueType Outlines.


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