"There was an issue with enabling worksharing. This operation could not be completed..." when enabling worksets for a specific Revit Cloud model

Autodesk Support

Jan 2, 2025

Products and versions covered


When trying to enable worksets for a specific Revit Cloud model, the following message appears:

Enable Worksharing

"There was an issue with enabling worksharing.

This operation could not be completed. Please try again."

Enable Worksharing Error.png

In addition, the following entries can be found in the journal file:

' 0:<   System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Autodesk.Revit.RS.Common.ClientServer.DataContract.Model.PermissionSourceCorruptionFault]: Internal Server Error


The model has been corrupted and repair is needed.


See the following article for information on recovering a backup version of the model:
"Data in file (file name).rvt is corrupt and needs to be manually recovered" when opening a file or syncing a file to central in Revit


Revit; Revit Cloud Worksharing;

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