"This operation could not be completed..." opening Revit cloud model

Autodesk Support

Feb 14, 2025

Products and versions covered


Users reported that when opening specific cloud models, this error message appears:

Open Model

This operation could not be completed. Please try again.


This operation could not be completed. Please try again

Additional Symptoms

  • Users that already have the model open, may encounter "Sync with central failed" message when attempting to synchronize.
  • View Versions: When using the View Versions option, one or more of the recent versions fail to download.


Entries similar to the following show up in the Revit journal when the error occurs:
0:< GetFileAsync (HTTP): CorrelationId = <Correlation ID>, CFID = <CFID>, HTTP Request Exception Error encountered.
0:< Response status code does not indicate success: 403 (Forbidden).
1:< Invalid Communication Exception while interacting with Revit Server. Please contact technical support.
' 1:<  1 ModelServerState "Created": Current server = ":Not Queried", Model server = "https://model15.skyscraper.autodesk.com/", Model server state = "Model Corrupted"





This incident has been resolved in:

Revit 2025.1

To install updates, open the Autodesk desktop app and click My Updates. To install a new version of your Autodesk software, open the Autodesk desktop app, sign in, and click My Products. To use a web browser to install updates or a new version, sign in to Autodesk Account. (Your access to new versions or updates depends on your Autodesk software entitlements.)

Additional Information:

Server Changes

There were also server side changes made (June 2023) to prevent this behavior.

Additional Articles

For more articles on this error, see the following link: "This operation could not be completed." when opening cloud model in Revit.


Compact Central

  1. If one or more users can open the model, have one of them use the Compact option when synchronizing.
    • If not sure if anyone can open the cloud model, have the last user to successfully synchronize try opening the model. To find this user:
    • Revit 2022.1 and later versions: Version History.
    • Revit 2022 and earlier versions: View Versions.
  1. If the Compact sync is failing, save the model locally and then re-upload to the cloud:
    1. Have the user that can still open the model open it.
    2. Go to File -> Save As to save a local copy of the model.
    3. Upload the local model back to the cloud.
    4. If other models were linking to the original model reload the link using Reload From in those models.


Restore a prior version of the model. See the following article for info on How to recover Revit model backup.


Revit; Revit Cloud Worksharing; BIM 360;


2024; 2025;

Incident ID:


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