Trim Command not working in AutoCAD for Windows & Mac

Autodesk Support

Jul 23, 2024

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When using the trim command the polylines selected to be trimmed do not respond or are either not selectable.


  • File Corruption.

  • Large Coordinates.


Steps to follow for checking for file corruption:

  1. Open the drawing file.

  2. Audit and fix any errors:

    1. Type AUDIT on the command line.

    2. "Y" for Yes to fix any errors, then Enter.

  3. Remove unused named objects from the drawing:

    1. Type PURGE on the command line.

    2. Enable all checkboxes checked on.

    3. Click Purge All.

  4. Purge Registered Applications (from the command line):

    1. Type -PURGE.

    2. "R" for Regapps (registered applications), then Enter.

    3. "*", then press Enter (the asterisk equates to All).

    4. "N" when asked to verify each name to be purged, then Enter.

Steps to follow for Large Coordination Errors:

  1. Start the LINE command.

  2. Have the first point set to 0,0.

  3. Draw a line across the entire drawing ending it at the opposite end of your drawing.

  4. Select the line.

  5. On the command line type PROPERTIES.

  6. If the line is greater than 5,000 feet you are too far away from 0,0 Coordinates and need to move the DWG closer.

  7. Go to your layers and make sure that everything is unlocked, unfrozen, and turned on

  8. On the command line type MOVE

  9. Select a base point to reference then manually move your DWG down the line to the endpoint of 0,0.

Note:  Sometimes your model is too far away from 0,0 that starting the MOVE command and stating the model to be at 0,0 will cause the model to not move due to it being too far away from 0,0 coordinates.  Manually dragging it to the 0,0 point is the best. 

To bring the model closer to 0,0 Coordinates using Copy:

  1. Select everything.

  2. Right Click and select 'clipboard' then 'Copy'.

  3. Open a new Drawing.

  4. Right click in the model space and select 'clipboard' then 'Paste'.

Note:  Do not select 'paste as a block' or 'Paste to Original Coordinates'.


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