Unable to export objects to IGES (*.igs) file format in 3ds Max

Autodesk Support

Oct 30, 2024

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When exporting 3ds Max objects to the Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (.iges) file format, no information is retained within the file. This can be confirmed by re-importing the .iges file back into 3ds Max. It will contain no mesh information.


Objects are not native Body Objects or NURBS Surfaces.


Accordion summary...

Accordion body...

Do the following:

Convert the objects into Body objects

The Editable Mesh or Editable Poly objects used in the 3ds Max scene need to be converted to Body Objects in order to be exported as *.iges files. To convert a mesh to a Body Object:

  1. Select the mesh.
  2. Go to Create Panel > Geometry.
  3. From the drop-down menu choose Body Objects.
  4. From the Object Type rollout choose the Body Object button. The mesh is converted to a Body Object and can now be exported properly as an *.iges file.
local localAppData = systemTools.getEnvVariable "localAppdata" setFileAttribute localAppData #system false

Note: This will triangulate the mesh and also lower the mesh smoothing quality due to the nature of the file conversion.
If the file still fails, detach the main object into sub-objects, and convert piece by piece.


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