How to manage Vault impersonation account password

Autodesk Support

Sep 13, 2024

Products and versions covered


Vault Server interacts with Windows and Active Directory accounts in several ways:
  • System and domain changes like Active Directory password refresh policy may have an impact on Vault uptime and need to be proactively managed.
  • How can this user credentials be updated and synchronized to prevent downtime and keep Vault running.


The Vault Impersonation account has many functions. General information about this account is below.
  • It is a local Windows account by default.
  • It is created when Vault Server is first installed.
  • It can be a domain account.
  • All Vault web services run under this account.
  • It reads and writes to the Filestore, through the web service Application pools.
  • It reads and writes to the local Vault configuration files.
Note: The account can be changed in the ADMS (Autodesk Data Management Server) Console. To update the account follow these steps:
  1. Use the console to access the impersonation user credential input here, stop at step 5 before putting in the new password (Configure Impersonation Credentials).
  2. Update the user password either locally or in Active Directory.
  3. Input the updated password on the ADMS console and click OK. Note: It is normal for the console to hang when updating: Vault ADMS console is unresponsive after putting updated impersonation user password
This procedure prevents the account from getting locked out and maintains access to the console to update the password.
Vault impersonation account functionality
Windows Task Manager

The Vault Impersonation Account is often associated with a Windows Active Directory account subject to security policies requiring a scheduled password refresh. This information should be used along with internal security policies to update the Vault account credentials so that downtime can be proactively avoided.


Vault Basic; Vault Professional; Vault Workgroup;

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