How to find Autodesk Vault Service Packs, Updates and Hotfixes downloads?

Autodesk Support

May 24, 2024

Products and versions covered


How to find Autodesk Vault Service Packs, Updates and Hotfixes downloads?


  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11


Autodesk Vault Service Packs, Updates and Hotfixes can be downloaded from the following locations:

From the Autodesk Access.

  1. If the Autodesk Access has not already been installed, click this link Autodesk Access  and follow the instructions.
  2. After the Autodesk Access has been installed, login using your Autodesk credentials.
  3. In Windows Taskbar, locate the Taskbar Tray, and click the up arrowhead. The Autodesk Access is the black/white icon.
Autodesk Access
NOTE: Vault Server: The Autodesk Access installed automatically for Vault Server. If Vault Server is not installed locally, it will not appear in the list. To download Vault Server updates on the server, either manually install the Autodesk Access or follow the instructions for downloading the the Autodesk Account portal.


From the Autodesk Account portal, there are two ways. 

  • Product Updates
  1. Log in to the Autodesk Account portal.
  2. Under "Products & Services", c​​​​lick "Product Updates".A
Note :  Make sure that the Date is set to all time to find all updates.
  1. Use Filter to find what you are searching for or just search.
  • Product Download 
  1. Click Vault and View Details link.
  2. Click the version and click Updates tab. 



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