Can't find download link of the Mental Ray Plugin for Maya 2016

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

Products and versions covered


Unable to find the plugin download for Mental Ray for Maya 2016. Where are the installation files located for the Mental Ray plugin?



To download the Mental Ray plugin for Maya 2016 and the mental ray satellite for Maya 2016, sign in to Autodesk account portal.

Note: Maya 2016 Extension 1 and Maya 2016 Extension 2 have separate plug-ins of mental ray, and are not mutually compatible. To check what version of Maya 2016 is installed, follow this guide: How to check what version of Maya is installed
  1. Click 'All products and Services' and 'Go to classic view' on the right upper corner.
  1. Navigate to the Manage Products and downloads page.
  2. Find Maya, and click the roll-down menu arrow.
  3. Click on 2016 Download link.
User-added image
  1. Click the Updates and Add-ons tab.
  2. The mental ray downloads are specific to Operating Systems (Windows, Mac, Linux). Download the appropriate version for the computer.
User-added image

The plugin can also be downloaded from this link Mental Ray Plugin for Maya 2016.
Note: If reinstalling the plugin, please be certain to uninstall the "mental ray renderer for AD Maya 2016" before re-installing the new one.


Maya; mental ray Standalone;



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