How to install a font into AutoCAD

Autodesk Support

Jan 22, 2025

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How to install new or custom font types into AutoCAD.


The font types that can be imported into AutoCAD are:
  • Shape file fonts, also called text fonts or symbol fonts (SHX).
  • TrueType fonts (TTF).
  • OpenType fonts (OTF).

Installing an SHX font

  1. Right-click the SHX file > Copy.
  2. Navigate to the fonts folder within the AutoCAD program and paste the file there:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD (LT) 20xx\Fonts
Note: PostScript fonts (.Pfb) and shape files (.shp) can be converted to .shx by using the COMPILE command in AutoCAD.

Alternatively, if the fonts are kept on a server or a network, the file path can be added into AutoCAD instead:
  1. On the command line type OPTIONS.
  2. In the File tab open the tree for Supported File Search Path and click Add then Browse to add the location of the desired font location.
  3. Click Apply, then OK to close.

Installing a TrueType font

AutoCAD reads TrueType (TTF) fonts that are installed in the operating system. TTF files do not go into AutoCAD's own Fonts folder.
  • Right-click the TTF file and select "Install for all users".
Note: Some fonts can be associated with a linetype, and the line type might need to be edited to use it. See About Text in Custom Linetypes.

Installing OpenType fonts

Right-click the OTF file and select "Install for all users".

More locations

AutoCAD will read font files that are in the same folder as a DWG being opened. It is also possible to setup a custom fonts folder and put its path into AutoCAD in Options > Files > Support File Search Path.


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