How to silent install and uninstall Autodesk install packages

Autodesk Support

Jan 23, 2025

Products and versions covered


How to silently install and uninstall Autodesk packages deployed with the Online Deployment via the New Installation Experience (ODIS) such as but not limited to:

  • Language packs.
  • Updates.
  • Library packs.
  • Content packs.
  • Object enablers.



From version 2022, the majority of Autodesk products use the New Installation Experience aka "ODIS".

Language packs, updates, additional content, library packs, etc... also use the New Installation Experience, but they do not show up in the "Custom Install" list in the Autodesk Account.


Note: The steps below assume you are familiar with command line install and scripting. Consult with your system administrator to perform the below steps. 


Silent Install - Main Product

  • If the desired main product (e.g. Revit)  is available in Custom Install, use the dedicated workflow instead.
  • If the desired main product (e.g. Revit) is not available in Custom Install, see the steps below:
    1. Download the software package and extract it to a desired folder.
    2. Download the latest version of ODIS Installer.
    3. In your installation script use the following commands as reference (adjust paths as needed). The following example is given for Revit 2021:
#Install latest ODIS 
AdODIS-installer.exe --mode unattended

#Launch Revit 2021 install with minimal UI. Replace --ui_mode basic with -q for fully silent install.
"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AdODIS\V1\Installer.exe" -i install --ui_mode basic -m \path\to\Revit\Setup.xml

Silent Install - Update

To silently install, add the -q argument to your script/install command. E.g.

AutoCAD_2023.1.2_Update.exe -q

Note: A full list of compatible commands can be shown by using the --help parameter. E.g.

Revit_2022_1_3.exe --help

Revit_2022_1_3.exe --help parameter


  1. Extract the *.exe file with a zip manager (for example: 7Zip), to a specific location.
  2. Start the Setup.exe with --silent to run the installation silently, as follows: 
Setup.exe --silent


Silent Uninstall

Note: The following steps will need to be used on multiple client computers such as when different installation methods and deployment packages were used. There could be different extensions, add-ins, language packs, or other content between client computers. For a silent uninstall, you will need to use the ODIS-specific uninstall string.

  1. Launch File Explorer and go to C:\Autodesk. 
  2. Create a folder named "UninstallStrings".  
  3. Run the following command in PowerShell (click Start > type Powershell > press ENTER):
Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall, HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall | Get-ItemProperty | Where-Object {($_.DisplayName -match "Autodesk") -or ($_.Publisher -match "Autodesk")} | Select-Object -Property DisplayVersion, DisplayName, UninstallString | Sort-Object -Property DisplayName | Ft -autosize | out-string -width 4096 > "C:\Autodesk\UninstallStrings\list.txt"
    1. A file "list.txt" will be created in C:\Autodesk\UninstallStrings\. The file will contain a list of all Autodesk products installed on the machine and the corresponding uninstall strings.
    2. Find the package that you want to uninstall in the list. For example, see the following example for Object Enabler for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023.
    3. Identify and copy the uninstall string which starts with C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AdODIS\V1\Installer.exe -i uninstall 
Autodesk Uninstall Strings
    1. Use this string for uninstall in Command Prompt(cmd.exe). To make it silent, add the -q parameter. E.g. for Object Enabler for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2023 - English this will be:
"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AdODIS\V1\Installer.exe" -q -i uninstall --trigger_point system -m C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ODIS\metadata\{4F3D8B06-25A0-3E40-83DB-38C6E2C3C0AB}\bundleManifest.xml -x C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ODIS\metadata\{4F3D8B06-25A0-3E40-83DB-38C6E2C3C0AB}\SetupRes\manifest.xsd
    1. For PowerShell use the below syntax:
Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AdODIS\V1\Installer.exe" ArgumentList "-q -i uninstall --trigger_point system -m C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ODIS\metadata\{4F3D8B06-25A0-3E40-83DB-38C6E2C3C0AB}\bundleManifest.xml -x C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ODIS\metadata\{4F3D8B06-25A0-3E40-83DB-38C6E2C3C0AB}\SetupRes\manifest.xsd"


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