How to get spool number wise isometric BOM in AutoCAD Plant 3D

Autodesk Support

Mar 28, 2024

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How to get spool number wise isometric BOM in AutoCAD Plant 3D.


Follow these steps:
  1. Open the AutoCAD Plant 3D.
  2. Create a new drawing file under the Plant 3D Drawings node.
  4. Click the Piping tab.
  5. Select Engineering Items.
  6. Enter DbID.
  7. Pick the String property type.
  8. Under Properties Double-Click the PnPID property.
  9. Apply.image.png
  10. Open the project setup.
  11. Navigate to Isometric DWG Settings > Title Block and Display.
  12. Select the required Iso Style from the dropdown and click on the Setup Title Block button.image.png
  13. In the Title Block Setup tab, click on the Table Setup button.image.png
  14. In the Table Setup dialog box click on Add Column... button.image.png
  15. In the Select Class Property dialog, Under Class select Pipe Run Component and Under Property Select DbID.image.png
  16. Click the OK button to save the settings.
  17. In the Table Setup dialog box Check the DbID column.image.png
  18. Open the Project folder in Windows explorer.
  19. Navigate to Isometric > Used Iso Style Folder (Final A3).
  20. Open the Iso.atr file in Notepad.
  21. Under "BOM ATTRIBUTES" add "EngineeringItems.DbID".image.png
  22. Save the Iso.atr file.
  23. Open the project setup.
  24. Navigate to Isometric DWG Settings > Title Block and Display.
  25. Select the required Iso Style from the dropdown and click on the Open Iso Style Editor button.image.png
  26. Navigate to Data > AggregatedLists > AggregatedList (Materials) > Groups > Group (Pipe) > Columns.
  27. Select and Right-Click on the Column (Code) and select Copy.image.png
  28. Select and Right-Click on the Columns and select Paste.
  29. Now select the copied Column (Code) and change the name to DbID.image.png
  30. Repeat the steps from 26 to 29 to assign DbID to Group (FITTINGS), (OLET), (FLANGES) etc.
  31. Save the file by CTRL+S.
  32. Click OK to save and exit the project setup.
Note: Above provided solution works best with Simple BOM when Create Separate Fabrication and Erection table sections option in the BOM settings tab is unchecked. 
If Separate Fabrication and Erection table sections are needed in isometric BOM. Repeat the steps from 26 to 31 to assign DbID to Group (FITTINGS), (PIPE), (FLANGES) etc., in AggregatedList (ShopMaterials) and AggregatedList (FieldMaterials).


AutoCAD Plant 3D;

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